dimanche 18 février 2007

Elles avancent

Of course the Brits. accuse the French of many things. Lazy, xenophobic, bad cooks, anti Semitic, antifeminists, what have you. Most of it is utter rubbish. But one thing that has always perturbed me is the use of the third person plural pronouns. ‘ Ils’, ‘Elles’, the equivalent of ‘they’ but with the grammatical gender. The rule is that you use the feminine ‘elles’ only if all the subjects are feminine. So if you have a bunch of tables (la table) and chairs (la chaise) you say ‘elles’ when talking of them all. Elles sont nombreuses. But if there was just one broom in there (le balai), then it all becomes masculine and Ils sont nombreux.

Talking of inanimate things it’s not too important. But what about a WI meeting. There we have all these female pillars of society, 5000 of them, discussing all manner of important subjects Elles discutent intelligement n’est ce pas?. Hey presto a male vicar joins them and helps them with the discussion and it all becomes 5001, ils discutent intelligement n’est ce pas? Of course the purists of the language say it is just grammatical rules and it is not sexist at all. But nevertheless in this day and age it really doesn’t seem acceptable.

So you’ll be glad to hear that since 2006 l’acadamie francaise has changed the rule and it is the majority which defines the third person pronoun. Now that’s better isn’t it ladies?

11 commentaires:

Gigi a dit…

I didn't know that at all, Richard - I only knew about 'la ministre' etc.

I'll be listening out for examples but I bet I won't hear any. However, I'm going to make a point of using 'elles' as often as I can now - it's the pedant in me, don't you know :-)

Bill Taylor a dit…

"elles" has no fury...

Louise a dit…

'Elle' has no fury...
'Elles' have no fury...

but this is all silliness!

richard of orleans a dit…

Of course if there are 2500 women and 2501 men you have to get your count right, and it's not those that make the most noise.

Good to see you back Louise.. I thought an avalanche got you. or maybe you got rich.

Gigi a dit…

If you have time, Richard - do you have a link for that? I googled it but I haven't found anything so far...

I was going to say "Elles Belles" but that would have been silliness indeed...

Bill Taylor a dit…

You can't expect grammar in a bilingual pun, Louise!And who's this guy, Rich?

Louise a dit…

Just a family avalanche, Roo - but they have all departed now.

Rich - could be Rich ( who is he?), could be Rich list, or, heaven help us, could be Roo!

Louise a dit…

Richard - could you change your time clock please?

richard of orleans a dit…

There you are Louise. I'll try to put the links back and write up a profile, but I don't rememeber how I did it last time.

Gigi my authority for the grammatical change are my two sons and friend. They say they saw it on the télé a while back. They seem quite confident about it, but interestingly say that nobody knows about it. No I couldn't find anything with Google. It's a nice and necessary change.

Louise a dit…

About time we had some twittering from you, Richard, isn't it? Touché...

Sarah a dit…

The brooms will be up in arms over this!
I smell a bloody battle...