jeudi 22 février 2007

Dusk over the Loire

Yes this is dusk in Orléans. Sometimes after a full days work I give myself a little reward and wander off to my beloved downtown Orléans. I could of course drive into the centre and park in an underground car park. I could drive to my local park and ride and take the tram. But me being me I do neither of that. I park 2 kilometres from the centre of Orléans, next to the jardin des plantes. I admire the plantes in flower. On this trip it was a delightful white lonicera which, in the gathering darkness, emitted a most delightfully strong perfume. Past the boule pitch, on to number one reward, a walk across the Loire, which as you can see is in the fullness of early spring.

From there, on this occassion I went to the centre to meet a drinking partner for a beer in a central brasserie. My drinking partner is an Orléanais, but who has lived and worked in Belgium and Holland as well as France. He worked for top international companies in some of the most demanding businesses around. He is fully bilingual English/French. He is healthy and has more energy than 99% of the population. He has one strange characteristic. Not being satisfied with his frequent ocean sailing around the coasts of Europe, he has this strange odd desire to work. Not for money of course, he would no doubt have to take a cut in income were he to work. No he has just one overiding desire to return to the action.

Of course he never will, too old. I wonder why the dusk of life is not as pleasing as dusk over the Loire.?

7 commentaires:

Gigi a dit…

Oh Richard - you do have a romantic, soft, marshmallowy centre after all!

It looks beautiful. I have never been to that part of France because I'm a Provençale at heart and hate to go northwards. Perhaps one day, I'll get the opportunity to visit - who knows?

Louise a dit…

Yes, a very different person on his own blog from the wild, rampaging person we see on others' blogs!

richard of orleans a dit…

OK Louise is that a comeback for Harpic skies? No it's all the same person. I know what I like, and don't like. I'm prepared to say what I think.

Gigi, it's worth visiting. The Loire valley has been given the status of a world site to be protected or whatever they call it. Best to come in June, July, August. The summers are hot and dry, often hotter than the côte d'azur. I love the dried out semi dessert look it can get in the middle of summer, with really bright light.Travel from Sancerre say, down to Nantes. Take a week or ten days. Chateaux,towns, villages, gardens, restaurants, wineries, lot's to do. The one drawback is that it is flat, so the walking is a bit dull.

Louise a dit…

No - nothing to do with Harpic -although the skies in Orleans could do with a dose! Joking!!

I love the area where you live and it's true the summer can be so hot - it really is 'la France' as we all imagine it. I have some lovely memories of the Loire valley.

Bill Taylor a dit…

And the wines of the Loire can be superlative. They're lovely pictures. The river looks rather high.

richard of orleans a dit…

Yes the river was quite high. It was a special evening, we had a sunny spring like day, 15 centigrade even though it is still winter. That gave the nice light effect and then the river is swollen with winter rain.

The Loire spends most of the year low in its bed broken up with sand banks, and then for short periods it becomes a really large powerful wide flow.It gets a good bit higher, hopefully in the spring if there is any snow left to melt. Then it goes right over the islands.I'll keep my camerea handy.

Sarah a dit…

I had friends who lived in Cosne sur Loire so know that area a little. It's always a pleasure to discover a new region, especially through friends.